For many, the planet seems designed for robust adults and not for older people, or young people for that matter. We believe that the planet will be more inclusive when older people themselves help design it; that's CoDesign.
We are urging people to become "commoners", engaged in creating a world with environments, services and technologies that work for all ages and abilities. |
who we are |
what we do |
The CoDesign Commons is a (mostly) volunteer endeavor, founded in Bloomington, Indiana by Phil Stafford, a retired cultural anthropologist with 45 years of experience in the field of aging. He is joined by a small group of very creative individuals dedicated to vital aging and experienced in the arts, design, service development and technology.
how can i be involved?All observers are totally welcome. To join in, become a commoner by registering simply on this website. You will receive notices and invitations to participate and, more importantly, contribute directly to the design process. Whether you live alone, in a household or in a congregate or long term care setting, you are a potential co-designer and your view of the world is valued.
As a program of the non-profit Commons Planning, Inc., we provide consultation to older adult individuals and groups seeking to enhance their ability to participate in the public design of environments, services and technologies. We conduct design education programs, organize charrettes (co-design workshops) and create a vital, accepting and exciting space where older adults can partner with open-minded designers and entrepreneurs to improve their skills in inclusive design.
why get connectedOlder people are too often discussed as a group in need. We believe aging is about giving not receiving - giving back to the community and future generations. The capacity of older people to do this is unlimited and their potential contributions to design are too often overlooked. By becoming a "commoner" both older adults and designers can, together, build a more inclusive planet.
"It's design, when everybody designs." (after Ezio Manzini) |